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sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Gene doping.

Criminal aspects of gene doping.
In the Spanisg code Article 159: ( "Código Penal, Spanish Book of Penal Offences):  "Offences relating to genetic manipulation" shall be punished with imprisonment from 2 to 6 years and disqualification from public office, profession or trade from 7 to 10 years, with purpose other than the elimination or reduction of defects and serious illnesses, manipulate human genes so as to alter the genotype ". Key techniques; problematic substances. Janovsky reagent, this technique should be incorporated to screen for stimulant derived from ketamine (the group of so-called dissociative anesthetics, with marked hallucinatory). The above reagent containing 2% target Dinitro benzene in absolute alcohol and alcoholic potash, which gives a violet reaction to precipitate. The technique would be confirmatory GC (gas chromatography), with retention times of 3.29 minutes and breakage of the structure at 2.75 minutes. One technique would be indicated, but for its simplicity and how cheap it is not usually used (there is a subtle tendency to think that if a device is very expensive, the technique is better. This is unfortunate, because sometimes we can use techniques " humble "and" cheap "as infrared spectroscopy works great for ketamine.
Weber reagent, should be used for something simple and fast it is and we discarded indole derivatives with CNS stimulant properties, such as psilocybin and mescaline (we know that these substances are rarely used, but the simplicity of the reagent and fast technology make them useful). In what is certain is that these substances are powerful stimulants and that despite this: NOT IN THE LIST OF BANNED SUBSTANCES. Amazing, but true. The Weber is made up of Fast Bleu, concentrated hydrochloric and changes color to brown within a few seconds if positive). Useful also for the indole alkaloids Fröhde reagent (give reddish-brown) and the well-known Marquis reagent that would dirty orange. However, the technique of choice would be TLC (TLC) using silica gel and solvent chloroform: methanol: acetic acid (75:20:5) and developed with 10% sodium acetate and iodine: yellowing. Reagent Mandelin: Phencyclidine useful, gives an orange color that is lost within minutes. Reagent easy to prepare, react quickly and effectively. Sensible. 8 If we use gas GC) retention times for Psilocin (9.34 minutes) and bufotenine (9.50 minutes) are very similar, so we must exercise extreme purification of the sample to avoid errors of interpretation. We can also be used for rapid screening based reagent p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde, which gives a red coloration with PCP (Phencyclidine, a potent psychodysleptics acting on NMDA receptors for glutamic acid). If we quantify it by appealing to more sensitive techniques, the choice would be: Thin-layer liquid chromatography, with silica-gel support of 2.5 micron GF and developed with Dragendorf reagent. GC and GC / MS: filtering and injection of the sample in methanol solvent retention time at about 3.6 minutes.

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